Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Using the Spanish Verb Poner
Using the Spanish Verb Poner The Spanish verb poner is one of those verbs that can be difficult to translate. It has a wide variety of meanings - just as does the English verb put, which is perhaps the verbs most common translation into English. Originally, poner conveyed the idea of placing something somewhere. However, its meaning has expanded over the centuries to include abstract concepts such as the placement of ideas or concepts or bringing about various kinds of changes. It is often used in the reflexive form (ponerse). Keep in mind that poner is conjugated highly irregularly. Irregularities occur in both the stem and the endings. Key Takeaways: Poner Ponerà is an irregular verb that most commonly means to put. Poner has multiple definitions. It generally conveys the idea of changing a location or status of something or someone, either literally or figuratively.Ponerà can be used reflexively, such as when it means to get dressed. Meanings of Poner Following are some of the meanings of poner, along with sample sentences, that can be ascribed to poner. This list is not complete. Note that many of the English translations could have been made using put; in practice, you often can do the same. Alternative verbs have been used to convey the idea that poner has many meanings. Placing Objects or Arranging Siempre pone las llaves en el escritorio. (He always puts the keys on the desk.)Todos los dà as sale de su casa a las 8:30 de la maà ±ana y pone el telà ©fono celular en la consola de su auto. (Every day she leaves her house at 8:30 a.m. and places her cell phone on the console of her car.)Puso la mesa para la maà ±ana siguiente. (He set the table for the next morning.) Putting on Clothing Se pondr la camisa que ms le guste en ese momento. (He will put on the shirt he likes most at the time.)Al llegar a la piscina me puse las gafas. (When I arrived at the swimming pool I put on my goggles.) Investing or Contributing Money Si ponemos 1000 pesos, en un aà ±o recibimos 1030. (If we invest 1,000 pesos, in a year we will receive 1,030.)Puso tres dà ³lares en el juego de La Rueda de la Fortuna en el casino. She gambled $3 on the Wheel of Fortune game at the casino. Effecting Change Puso el coche en revà ©s. (He put the car in reverse.)Las elecciones pusieron fin a la revolucià ³n. (The elections put an end to the revolution.)La lesià ³n del hombro me ponà a en un aprieto. (My shoulder injury put me in a bind.)Si hay algo que la ponà a de mal humor era el verano, el calor. (If there is something that put her in a bad mood, it was the summer, the heat.)Pusieron la casa en venta cuando se mudaron a Los ngeles. (They put the house up for sale when they moved to Los Angeles.) Becoming Se puso muy triste. (He became very sad.)Akira se puso azul por momentos y casi devuelve lo que habà a comido en una semana. (Akira turned blue for a short time and almost threw up what she had eaten during the week.) Designating Sà , es verdad que le pusieron Pablo Pingà ¼ino. (Yes, its true they called him Pablo Pingà ¼ino.)El Departamento de Justicia puso dos millones de dà ³lares como precio por la cabeza de Benjamà n. (The Justice Department set $2 million as the price for Benjamins capture.) Showing or Displaying à ¿Quà © ponen esta noche en la tele? (What is on TV tonight? Literally, what are they showing on TV tonight?)à ¿Tienes una gran foto? à ¡Ponla en tu sitio web! (Do you have a great photo? Show it on your website!) Phrases Using Poner In addition to having a wide variety of meanings on its own,à ponerà is part of various phrases and idioms whose meanings arent always obvious. Here are some of the common ones: Poner bien a alguienà (to have a high opinion of someone)à - à Como era el ms inteligente de los tres, me ponà an bien.à (Because I was the smartest of the three, they thought highly of me.)Poner en claroà (to make clear)à - à Con su permiso, pondrà © en claro el concepto de inflacià ³n.à (With your permission Ill make the concept of inflation clear.)Poner en marchaà (to start)à - Luego, puse el coche en marcha.à (Later, I started the car.)Poner en juegoà (to put in danger)à - à La guerra pone en juego el futuro de la ONU.à (The war puts the future of the U.N. in danger.)Poner en riesgoà (to put at risk)à - à El mal tiempo puso en riesgo el helicà ³ptero en el que viajaba el presidente.à (The bad weather put the helicopter that the president traveled in at risk.)Poner huevoà (to lay an egg)à - à Tengo dos canarias hembra que no ponen huevos.à (I have two female canaries that dont lay eggs.)Poner pegasà (to object)à - à Nunca p onà a pegas a nada. Todo lo parecà a bien.à (I never objected to anything. Everything seemed fine.) Poner por encimaà (to prefer)à - à Ponà an el negocio por encima de todo.à (They made business their highest priority.)Ponerse coloradoà orà ponerse rojoà (to be embarrassed or ashamed, to blush, to turn red)à - à Era muy tà mido. Si alguien me decà a algo me ponà a rojo y sudaba.à I was very shy. (If someone told me something I would blush and sweat.)Ponerse de pieà (to stand up)à - à Se puso de pie y golpeà ³ el escritorio con el puà ±o.à (He stood up and pounded the desk with his fist.)Ponerse de rodillasà (to kneel, to fall to ones knees)à - à El jardinero se puso de rodillas, implorando el perdà ³n de su imprudencia.à (The gardener fell to his knees, begging forgiveness for his carelessness.)
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Top 10 Unsolved Questions in Economics
The Top 10 Unsolved Questions in Economics There are many problems in the economic world that have yet to be solved, and fortunately, Wikipediaà has compiled a list of the greatest ones to date - from what caused the Industrial Revolution to whether or not money supply is endogenous. Although great economists like Craig Newmark and members of the AEA have taken a stab at solving these tough issues, the true solution to these problems - that is to say the generally understood and accepted truth of the matter - has yet to come to light. To say a question is unsolved implies that the question potentially has a solution, in the same way 2x 4 8 has a solution. The difficulty is, most of the questions on this list are so vague that they cannot possibly have a solution. Nevertheless, here are the top ten unsolved economic problems. 1. What Caused the Industrial Revolution? Although there are many factors at play in causing the Industrial Revolution, the economic answer to this question has yet to be sussed out. However, no event has a single cause - the Civil War was not wholly caused by slavery and World War I was not wholly caused by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. This is a question without a solution, as events have numerous causes and determining which ones were more important than others naturally involves some subjectivity. While some might argue that a strong middle-class, mercantilism and the development of an empire, and an easily moveable and growing urban population who increasingly believed in materialism led to the Industrial Revolution in England, others might argue the countrys isolation from European continental problems or the nations common market led to this growth. 2. What Is the Proper Size and Scope of Government? This question again has no real objective answer, because people will always have differing views on the argument of efficiency versus equity in governance. Even if a population managed to fully understand the exact trade-off that was being made in each case, the size and scope of a government largely depend on its citizenrys dependence on its influence. New countries, like the United States in its early days, relied on a centralized government to maintain order and oversee rapid growth and expansion. Over time, it has had to decentralize some of its authority to the state and local levels in order to better represent its vastly diverse population. Still, some might argue the government should be larger and control more due to our reliance on it domestically and abroad. 3. What Truly Caused the Great Depression? Much like the first question, the cause of the Great Depression cant be pinpointed because so many factors were at play in the eventual crash of the United States economies in the late 1920s. However, unlike the Industrial Revolution, whose many factors also included advances outside of economy, the Great Depression was primarily caused by a catastrophic intersection of economic factors. Economists commonly believe five factors ultimately resulted in the Great Depression: the stock market crash in 1929, over 3,000 banks failing throughout the 1930s, reduction in purchasing (demand) in the market itself, American policy with Europe, and drought conditions in Americas farmland. 4. Can We Explain the Equity Premium Puzzle? In short, no we have not yet. This puzzle refers to the strange occurrence of returns on stocks being much higher than returns on government bonds over the past century, and economists are still baffled by what could truly be the cause. Some posit that either risk aversion may be at play here, or antithetically that large consumption variability accounted for the discrepancy in return capital. However, the notion that stocks are riskier than bonds isnt enough to account for this risk aversion as a means to alleviate arbitrage opportunities within a countrys economy. 5. How Is It Possible to Provide Causal Explanations Using Mathematical Economics? Because mathematical economics relies on purely logical constructions, some might wonder how an economist might use causal explanations in their theories, but this problem isnt quite that difficult to solve. Like physics, which can provide causal explanations like a projectile traveled 440 feet because it was launched at point x from angle y at velocity z, etc., mathematical economics can explain the correlation between events in a market that follow the logical functions of its core principles. 6. Is There an Equivalent of Black-Scholes for Futures Contract Pricing? The Black-Scholes formula estimates, with relative accuracy, the price of European-style options in a trading market. Its creation led to a newfound legitimacy of the operations of options in markets globally, including the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and is often used by participants of options markets to predict future returns. Although variations of this formula, including notably the Black formula, have been made in financial economic analyses, this still proves to be the most accurate prediction formula for markets around the world, so there is still yet to be an equivalent introduced to the options market. 7. What Is the Microeconomic Foundation of Inflation? If we treat money such as any other commodity in our economy and as such is subject to the same supply and demand forces, reason would suggest it would be just as susceptible to inflation as goods and services are. However, if you consider this question like one considers the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, it may be best left as a rhetorical one. The basis, of course, is that we do treat our currency like a good or service, but where this originates doesnt truly have one answer. 8. Is the Money Supply Endogenous? Wikipedia follows up this question with a simple statement: Mainstream economics claims that it is; post-Keynesian economics claims that it is not. However, the issue isnt uniquely about endogeneity, which, strictly speaking, is a modeling assumption. If the question is properly constructed, I think this could be considered one of the key problems in economics. 9. How Does Price Formation Occur? In any given market, prices are formed by a variety of factors, and just like the question of the microeconomic foundation of inflation, theres no true answer to its origins, though one explanation posits that each seller in a market forms a price depending on probabilities within the market which in turn depends on the probabilities of other sellers, meaning that prices are determined by how these sellers interact with one another and their consumers. However, this idea that prices are determined by the markets overlooks several key factors including that some goods or service markets dont have a set market price as some markets are volatile while others are stable - all depending on the veracity of information available to buyers and sellers. 10. What Causes the Variation of Income Among Ethnic Groups? Much like the causes of the Great Depression and the Industrial Revolution, the exact cause of income disparity between ethnic groups cannot be pinpointed to a single source. Instead, a variety of factors ââ¬â¹are at play depending on where one is observing the data, though it mostly comes down to institutionalized prejudices within the job market, availability of resources to different ethnic and their relative economic groups, and employment opportunities in localities featuring varying degrees of ethnic population density.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Telemedicine opportunity or a distraction Case Study
A Telemedicine opportunity or a distraction - Case Study Example Additionally, the problems encountered in its processes and operation will be highlighted using porters value chain mode. The study paper concludes by revealing that a telemedicine is an opportunity not a distraction (Gogan & Garfield, 2012). Case Synopsis Telemedicine is the application of medical information communicated from one location to another through electronic communications to enhance a patientââ¬â¢s medical health condition. Telemedicine comprises a growing diversity of services and applications using smart phones, two-way video, wireless tools, email and other kinds of telecommunications techniques. After definition, the case paper seeks to assess whether this application is an opportunity or a distraction. The empirical case study (Falmouth Hospital) enjoys honors for their exemplary TeleStroke services thus confirming benefits of the telemedicine (Gogan & Garfield, 2012). ... Porterââ¬â¢s firm-based value chain model is crucial in the assessing the case paper objective. Assessment involves of identifying a clinically identifiable issues or symptom that can be tested or possibly treated using telemedicine technology. Clinical conditions responsive to telemedicine consist of ailments where data about them, relevant images and a Live Video telemedicine meeting with a doctor provides a feasible and applicable solution that includes an appropriate treatment plan or alternatively meets the medical requirement for on-going management of a non-acute illness (Bulik, 2008). The practice has its challenges thus the questioning whether it is a distraction or an opportunity. It is necessary to assess this during the case study to acknowledge the case objective. Strategy Analysis Telemedicine is not an isolated medical specialty. Services and products associated with telemedicine are frequently part of a larger venture by health care organizations in either the deli very of clinical care or information technology. As such, document telemedicine meetings in the same manner as a patient office visit ââ¬â through medical records (Gogan & Garfield, 2012). The medical record standard in most clinics is the traditional paper record. Many clinics do not have an electronic medical record system. Introduction or usage of telemedicine is an opportunity for healthcare institutions to enhance their electronic system to enjoy the benefits associated with telemedicine. As evident in Shawn Farrell case, telemedicine is essential in dealing with critical cases that need minimal or no time wastage (Gogan & Garfield, 2012). It is upon clinics not currently using an electronic record need to reflect how they to monitor and maintain the new electronic records created by
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Chesed & The Book of Ruth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chesed & The Book of Ruth - Essay Example Chesed term also refers to the first day of Godââ¬â¢s creation. The first day is referred to as Torah, which means the day of one. The day is associated with the creation of light. Light is a representation of goodness and loving kindness. The day signifies oneness of God. The first day accompanied all other days. The physical symbol of chesed is manââ¬â¢s reflection in water. Additionally, the concept of chesed is also manifest in manââ¬â¢s reflection of manââ¬â¢s heart to a man. In Hebrew, Chesed is similar to faithfulness born due to a sense of caring and mercy. The book of Ruth is characterized by Ruth. Ruth is the daughter-in-law to Naomi. After, the sons of Naomi die in Moab; Ruth insists that she must leave with Naomi to Bethlehem (Ruth 1:8-22). After, a successive journey back to Bethlehem, Judea, and Naomi orchestrates the meeting of Boaz and Ruth in eh barley field, which belonged to Boaz. Naomi took the initiative out of love and kindness for her daughter-in-law. Additionally, the plans of Naomi worked according to the plan. Naomi advised Ruth to hide until Boaz was asleep in order to lie down near his feet. After, Boaz woke up; Ruth had an easy time convincing him to marry her in order to form a oneness, chesed. Although, Boaz knew that Ruth was already seeing another man, he was willing to wait for the renouncement of Ruth by the other man before accepting Ruthââ¬â¢s offer (Ruth 3:1-18). The plan was in tandem with the traditions of the kinsman-redeemer. The relationship between Boaz and Ruth is sealed when Boaz is satisfied that no others man has claim over Ruth (Ruth 4:1-12). The epilogue explores Naomiââ¬â¢s joy and loving kindness especially when Boaz marries Ruth. Fortunately, Ruth has descendants of King David (Ruth 4:13-18). This implies that the aspect of chesed applies in all areas of life. The unity that Ruth and Naomi maintained led to the oneness between Boaz
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Policies issues Essay Example for Free
Policies issues Essay By watching the video for this assignment I agree that these children are getting abuse and by the environment they come from they will grow up and may follow the steps of their parents. The mother had put a restraining order on the boyfriend. Until she had to call the police cause he kept coming to her house. Her small son was scare and child protector services (CPS) had to get on involve and replace him in a foster home. There are different factors. Some kids are taking drugs because they grew up around their parents or friends doing drugs. There some kids that physical abuse is involve in the family. In the video also addresses Policy implications or recommendations of the crime. Ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s also a personal crime. The abuse come from the family itself or someone known by the family. I believe that the abuse effects all young kids. These abuse kids will show depression, anti-social, anger, rebellious, and will lead them to take drugs. Before its misinterpreted wrong it is very important to understand the various kinds of child abuse that does occur. Child abuse is not just rigorously a bodily problem, but it is more than just that. This is what child abuse is; physical violence, verbal abuse, emotional, rape and psychological torment, sexual molestation, and abandonment. It important to see the background of these crimes and see if there is a pattern that were the abuse is coming from. Child abuse is an inexplicable subject to so many people like the courts and child protective service. There is a few children that are found murdered every day from child abuse and nearly millions reports are made every year. REFERENCES:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers
For a person to be able to make a change in their life is a monumental task. To be able to make a change that can be life changing is a true test of a personââ¬â¢s will and desire. In the novel the Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne changes from an adulteress that is despised by the community, to an able woman that the community depends on through her repentance of her sin, faith in transcendentalism, and her daughter Pearl. à à à à à Hester Prynne is cast out as an adulteress from the Puritan society, because she had a baby with another man than her husband. ââ¬Å"She may cover it with a brooch, or such like heathenish adornment, and so walk the streets as brave as ever!â⬠(Hawthorne 49). The city is shocked by Hesterââ¬â¢s embodiment of the scarlet letter on her chest; because the scarlet letter was suppose to represent her punishment for her sin. This was an insult to the community, and it shows how the community despised Hesterââ¬â¢s presence of an adulteress. ââ¬Å"Madam Hester absolutely refuseth to speak, and the magistrates have laid their heads together in vainâ⬠(58). When Hester mounted the scaffold she refused to speak to the ministry, and she refused to tell them who the father of the baby was. By not telling the ministry who the father was Hester was being defiant and took the burden of the punishment on herself, this is another reason why the community despised H ester when she was considered an adulteress. Her strong will and silence lead the community to hate Hester, because she would not bend to the community and show weakness. à à à à à The change that Hester experiences occurs through the aid of her daughter Pearl, her strong belief in transcendentalism, and her repentance of her sin through aiding the community. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦that this brook is the boundary between two worldsâ⬠(119). Pearl crosses the brook to get away from Hester and Dimmesdale, after they have decided to go to Europe since it is better for his health. The brook and Pearl represent transcendentalism, while Dimmesdale represents the church, which shows how Hester has changed due to her belief in Transcendentalism. ââ¬Å"I have no heavenly father!â⬠(90). Pearl continually questions her mother about her father, and Hester tells her that she came from the heavenly father. By having Pearl, Hester is trying to raise her without having her make the same mistakes that she did, and in the transcendental belief, this is how Pearl is able to have a significant change on Hester.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Succubus Revealed Chapter 12
My brief conversation with Kayla tormented me for the rest of the evening as I corralled kids at the mall. I couldn't shake the image of her eyes as she told me about ââ¬Å"the Darkness.â⬠It was one of those times I both blessed and cursed her psychic abilities. If she hadn't had them at all, I never would've known anything was amiss in the Mortensen household. But with her imprecise understanding of her powers, I was left with too many questions about what she might have sensed. Erik would've known instantly. There was another thing for me to worry about. Erik. Murdered because of me. And if we were operating on the assumption that Hell had directly acted against him, then what was I supposed to think about Kayla? In the past, any unusual supernatural activity in the area had been the result of rogue forces outside of the Heaven and Hell system. After all, Heaven and Hell had certain rules they were supposed to follow. Milton was proof, however, that Hell wasn't above breaking those. So was it possible someone from my own side had been visiting Andrea Mortensen ââ¬â coincidentally during the times her condition worsened? And if so, why? That, as Roman had pointed out, was a question with an answer that would crack all of this wide open. My only pause in ruminating on immortal affairs came when I tried to coax Walter into doing a house call to the Mortensens. Two mothers had gotten in a fight in line, so we were all on an impromptu break while mall security sorted matters out. ââ¬Å"Santa doesn't do house calls,â⬠Walter told me. ââ¬Å"Last time I checked, that's exactly what Santa does,â⬠I countered. ââ¬Å"Every Christmas Eve.â⬠ââ¬Å"Santa can't just be hired out for entertainment. Children must either wait until Christmas morning or come visit the retail wonderland Santa's gazebo is in. Those are the rules.â⬠ââ¬Å"Of course you can be hired out,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"It's why you're working here to begin with! Come on, I'll pay you. I'll buy you a drink. Both, if you want. These are little girls who need to see Santa. Their mother has cancer, for God's sake. How can you not be moved by that?â⬠He peered at me through his spectacles. ââ¬Å"I'm very sorry for their plight, but I can't do it. Taking on this role is a commitment for the holiday season, a vow to stay true to the spirit of Santa. If I'm outside this mall while playing this role, and Bob is here playing the same role, then what does that say to the children?â⬠I stared at him incredulously. ââ¬Å"Well, unless these children are capable of breaking the rules of time and space, none of them would know there's a Santa here, in Lake Forest Park, or in any of the other thousands of malls in this country.â⬠ââ¬Å"I would know. I can't be Santa while Bob is playing Santa. It would break our sacred pact.â⬠â⬠ââ¬ËSacred pact?' It's just a job!â⬠I was seriously considering breaking the drinking rule. If I got him tipsy enough, surely he'd agree to what I wanted. ââ¬Å"Not to us, it isn't,â⬠he told me solemnly. Security finished up their intervention, and the line began moving again, bringing the discussion to a halt before I could point out that last I'd checked, liters of whiskey weren't part of the ââ¬Å"spirit of Santaâ⬠either. I might as well have been Grumpy for the rest of my shift. I appreciated Walter's dedication to the role, but honestly, it was kind of pushing absurdity. I stayed at Seth's place that night, in spite of my earlier plans to talk to Roman about what Kayla had told me. But when I called Seth on my way home, there was just something so sad and strained in his voice that I knew it was more important to be with him. Andrea's worsening condition had hit him hard. He and I spent the night chastely, but there was a desperation in the way he held me, a sense that I was all that was keeping him going in this madness. ââ¬Å"Oh, Thetis,â⬠he whispered, kissing my cheek as we snuggled in bed. ââ¬Å"What am I going to do without you?â⬠ââ¬Å"Don't worry about it,â⬠I said automatically. ââ¬Å"I'm still here for a while.â⬠ââ¬Å"I know,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"But then . . .â⬠Silence. My heart lurched. ââ¬Å"I know,â⬠I said at last. ââ¬Å"I know you can't leave them. It's okay.â⬠ââ¬Å"At least until she gets better. . . .â⬠His words faltered for a moment. I could guess his emotions because I shared them. We were both worried about that looming, unspoken fear. That maybe Andrea wouldn't get better. And the really, really awful thing was that if she didn't, then eventually, Seth might be able to come to me in Las Vegas. But how could I live with myself knowing what the price of my happiness was? He finally managed to find his words again. ââ¬Å"I understand why you get so frustrated with the universe,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"I've never wanted anything so much as I've wanted to be with you. I finally got you . . . and now this happens. People talk about throwing everything away for love, but reality doesn't work out that way. And honestly, if I was the kind of guy who could ignore his family for his own selfish wants . . . well, then, I don't think I'd be worthy of you. So here we are.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's okay,â⬠I repeated, forcing more bravery than I felt. ââ¬Å"We'll be fine. They need you. Do what you have to do.â⬠ââ¬Å"Georgina.â⬠ââ¬Å"Seth.â⬠I brushed my lips against his. ââ¬Å"This is more important right now.â⬠ââ¬Å"Than us?â⬠he asked. It took me a long time to answer. But I did. ââ¬Å"Yes.â⬠The next day I had an early shift at the mall, working with Bob. I attempted the same bargain I had with Walter, in the hopes of arranging a visit to the Mortensen girls, only to be met with the same response. I'd kind of hoped that since Bob wasn't a blatant alcoholic, he'd be more reasonable. No such luck. He was full of the same nonsense about the magic and integrity of the Santa role. Fortunately, things improved when I found Roman at home afterward. We had bowling practice that night, but I'd wanted to talk to him in private. My other immortal friends could be coaxed on board with a lot, but as Hell's hand became more obvious in all of this, I was hesitant to get them involved. Roman didn't face the same repercussions, and I didn't mind exposing myself to the wrath of my employers. I was less excited about subjecting my immortal friends to that same wrath on my behalf. ââ¬Å"Did she say anything else about this ââ¬ËDarkness'?â⬠Roman wanted to know, once I'd recapped everything for him. ââ¬Å"Greater immortal, lesser immortal, outside deity?â⬠ââ¬Å"She doesn't understand what any of that is,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"She's only four. Five now, I guess.â⬠ââ¬Å"She needs to understand it,â⬠he said darkly. ââ¬Å"You should train her up.â⬠ââ¬Å"With everything else going on in her life? I think that's the last thing she needs.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not if some supernatural creature is making her mom sick!â⬠Roman perched on the edge of the couch, his sea green eyes both thoughtful and angry. ââ¬Å"And let's face it, Georgina. If something is, I really can't imagine it's because the powers that be have singled out that family by random. If something's targeting Andrea Mortensen, it's because of her connection to you.â⬠I felt ill. More consequences, laid at my feet. ââ¬Å"So Andrea suffers because of me,â⬠I said, sinking into a chair. ââ¬Å"Wonderful.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's Hell,â⬠said Roman. ââ¬Å"What do you expect? If they want back at you for something, then they're going to find creative ways to do it.â⬠ââ¬Å"Seems like there are more direct ways to make me ââ¬Ëpay,' â⬠I noted. ââ¬Å"Especially seeing as they own the contract on my soul. We're assuming a lot that this is Hell.â⬠Roman shrugged. ââ¬Å"Not really. We already know they're interfering with your life. And healing and injuring are specific powers given to angels and demons.â⬠ââ¬Å"Do you think Carter could tell what visited her?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"If he looked at Andrea?â⬠ââ¬Å"I think he could.â⬠Roman considered for a few moments. ââ¬Å"The question is if he would get involved with it at all. You know how he is. Heaven, at least, makes a pretense of playing by the rules.â⬠I nodded slowly, remembering my last conversation and how reluctant Carter had been to intervene. ââ¬Å"True,â⬠I murmured. ââ¬Å"Well,â⬠said Roman, straightening. ââ¬Å"You can ask him right now.â⬠ââ¬Å"Huh? How?â⬠ââ¬Å"He's coming to practice. I overheard him and Jerome talking about it yesterday.â⬠Apparently, Seth wasn't the only one with a perverse interest in watching Jerome's misfits bowl for his honor. I stood up as well. ââ¬Å"Then let's go. I'll drive.â⬠As we headed downstairs, I gave Roman a sidelong look. ââ¬Å"Have you ever wondered how you'd look in a white beard and Santa hat?â⬠Roman returned my look warily. ââ¬Å"No, I have not.â⬠I quickly explained how the Mortensen girls hadn't seen Santa yet this year. He was already shaking his head before I finished the story. ââ¬Å"Come on, Roman. They need to see Santa. And I know you don't have any of those hang-ups like Walter does about multiple Santas existing together.â⬠ââ¬Å"Nope,â⬠agreed Roman. ââ¬Å"My hang-up is about preserving my dignity, no matter how good the cause. Besides, I don't feel that guilty. If you really wanted them to see Santa, you could shape-shift and put us all to shame.â⬠I scowled. It was annoying because it was true. Roman and I were the last to arrive at the bowling alley, much to my dismay. I'd hoped to speak with Carter privately, but he and Jerome were already deep in conversation (and in their cups). The rest of the Unholy Rollers were waiting anxiously for their leader and gave me no end of grief for not wearing my shirt. ââ¬Å"I forgot,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"It's no big deal. I'll wear it for the real game.â⬠Peter sighed. ââ¬Å"But it helps build team solidarity now. And that sense of bonding and closeness will make us better.â⬠ââ¬Å"Actually,â⬠said Jerome, ââ¬Å"hitting more pins would make you better.â⬠ââ¬Å"Look,â⬠I told Peter. ââ¬Å"If I have to use the bathroom at some point, I'll shape-shift the shirt on.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's not the same,â⬠he grumbled. Fortunately, Jerome's impatience allowed little time for further debate on the matter. He hadn't seen how our last practice had ended and was anxious to know if we'd improved. We had, to be fair, but I think Jerome was expecting us to all be throwing strikes every time. When it was clear that wasn't the case, he grew impatient and angry. ââ¬Å"How can you do that?â⬠he demanded, after Cody made an impressive 9-1 spare. ââ¬Å"Why can't you just hit them all the first time?â⬠He glared at Roman. ââ¬Å"Do something.â⬠Roman eyed his father irritably, not liking his teaching skills questioned, especially since Cody was the best of us. ââ¬Å"Why don't you? Why don't you give it a shot, Pop?â⬠Jerome had been up pacing by the lane but wouldn't deign to actually touch a ball himself. ââ¬Å"Because it's not my job,â⬠Jerome retorted. Roman rolled his eyes. ââ¬Å"Then let me do mine.â⬠While they bickered, I leaned over to Carter. ââ¬Å"I need to talk to you. In private. Can you stick around after this?â⬠Carter had been watching the father?Cson exchange, but his eyes flicked briefly toward me when I spoke. He gave a small, barely perceptible nod. And when Jerome returned to his seat a few moments later, saying he wanted to leave and drink off his annoyance at the Cellar, Carter declined the offer. ââ¬Å"Nah,â⬠he said lazily, stretching. ââ¬Å"I think I'll see how this pans out. There's no way Peter can keep throwing splits like that every time. It defies all the rules of physics.â⬠Peter looked torn on whether he should be flattered or not by that. ââ¬Å"Fine,â⬠said Jerome. ââ¬Å"If you've got any miracles you can work to help them, now's the time to cash them in.â⬠ââ¬Å"Noted,â⬠said Carter, waving as Jerome left. My lesser immortal friends were agitated by our boss's disapproval, so I focused on the game and didn't bring anything up with Carter until we finished our practice. Jerome could criticize all he wanted, but Roman really was a good teacher. I think our greatest triumph was when Peter went four frames in a row without a split, thus returning the laws of physics back to their rightful state. True, he didn't get any strikes or spares either, but by that point, we were all so exhausted that we were willing to take what victories we could. Roman, Carter, and I let the others leave ahead of us ââ¬â once I'd promised I would definitely wear my team shirt next time, of course. As soon as we had relative privacy, I explained my problem to Carter. His face grew graver and graver as he listened. ââ¬Å"Daughter of Lilith,â⬠he said when I was done, ââ¬Å"you know I can't interfere.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm not asking you to,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Not exactly. I just want to know if you could tell if someone ââ¬â like a demon ââ¬â had made Andrea Mortensen sick.â⬠Carter's gray eyes were unreadable. ââ¬Å"Yes. I can tell.â⬠ââ¬Å"Will you go see her with me and tell me what you sense? That's it. I'm not asking you to break any rules.â⬠Well, I didn't think I was. Honestly, I didn't understand half of these ââ¬Å"rulesâ⬠he was always talking about. ââ¬Å"I just need the information.â⬠ââ¬Å"Okay,â⬠he said, after what felt like forever. ââ¬Å"I'll go with you. Giving you that information doesn't violate anything.â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't suppose,â⬠said Roman, ââ¬Å"that telling us why Hell would do this wouldn't violate anything either?â⬠I answered before Carter could. ââ¬Å"We already know. To get to me. I've pissed somebody off, and they're going to make me suffer by making those I love suffer.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah, but why Andrea?â⬠asked Roman. ââ¬Å"I mean, no offense, but there are other ways to hurt you more. Why not make Seth suffer?â⬠I couldn't help but scoff. ââ¬Å"Well. With this transfer, I kind of feel like he already ââ¬â â⬠I came to a screeching halt, once I realized what I'd been about to say. Roman was sitting opposite me in one of the worn leather chairs, and from the rabid look in his eyes, I thought he was going to reach over and shake me. ââ¬Å"What?â⬠he demanded. ââ¬Å"What did you just think of?â⬠ââ¬Å"Andrea's sickness is terrible,â⬠I said slowly. ââ¬Å"A horrible, unfair thing that could hurt her whole family. But there's something else. As long as she's sick, as long as the whole family needs help . . . Seth has to stay with them. He can't go to Las Vegas with me.â⬠ââ¬Å"And there it is,â⬠said Roman, wonder lighting his eyes. ââ¬Å"That's what this transfer is about. To get you out of Seattle, away from Seth, and to make sure he can't follow.â⬠ââ¬Å"Eventually . . .â⬠My stomach was twisting again, just like it always did when I thought of people being affected because of me. ââ¬Å"Eventually he'd be able to. Andrea will either get better, or . . . or she won't.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes, but how long?â⬠demanded Roman. ââ¬Å"How long will that take? Long enough for you to fall even more in love with your picture-perfect scenario ââ¬â the one that they handcrafted for you? Long enough for you to move on with some other artsy introverted mortal? By the time he's free, it won't matter.â⬠I was staring off at Roman but not really seeing him. Jerome had always been annoyed at my relationship with Seth, chastising me for being too attached to a mortal and letting it affect my job. Carter himself had said I was doing something that Hell didn't like. Was it possible this was it? That all of these forces were moving to keep Seth and me apart? ââ¬Å"If Hell wants me away from Seth, then why not just forbid it?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"Jerome's given me a hard time before. Or why not just drop me somewhere . . . anywhere . . . that isn't here? Why should they care that it's a place I'll fall in love with?â⬠ââ¬Å"So that you'll forget him,â⬠said Roman. ââ¬Å"So that you won't look back. If they ordered you apart, a teenage forbidden romance complex would kick in like that.â⬠He snapped his fingers. ââ¬Å"You'd never stop pining for him. But this . . . this is more subtle. And effective.â⬠ââ¬Å"It is,â⬠I agreed, still reeling. ââ¬Å"Even after all of Jerome's criticism, I never thought . . . I never thought Hell would be this upset over me being with a human.â⬠Roman had no answer for me but lifted his eyes to Carter. ââ¬Å"You're being awfully quiet.â⬠Carter shrugged, face neutral. ââ¬Å"You two have plenty to say. No need for me to chime in.â⬠ââ¬Å"Are we right?â⬠I asked the angel. ââ¬Å"Of course we are,â⬠said Roman. ââ¬Å"You've always known Hell thought you were too distracted by Seth. This explains everything.â⬠ââ¬Å"Doesn't explain Erik,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Are you sure you have nothing to add?â⬠asked Roman, gaze still on Carter. ââ¬Å"I think we should get to the Mortensens' before it gets much later,â⬠said Carter mildly. ââ¬Å"I'm sure those girls have respectable bedtimes.â⬠I stood up, knowing we'd get nothing else from him. ââ¬Å"I have to drop Roman off at home first. Then we can go over there.â⬠ââ¬Å"How are you going to get me in to see her?â⬠asked Carter. ââ¬Å"It'll be a little weird bringing in a stranger to a sick woman's bedroom. Do you want me to go invisibly?â⬠I'd been about to suggest that very thing when a new idea struck me. I gave Carter a once-over. ââ¬Å"Have you ever wanted to put on a Santa suit?â⬠ââ¬Å"I have always wanted to do that,â⬠said Carter gravely. Roman groaned. Once I explained the situation to Carter, however, he was totally on board. In fact, he told me not to worry about the costume arrangements and promised to meet me at Terry's in an hour, once I'd had a chance to drop Roman off. As soon as we were in the privacy of the parking lot, Carter vanished into thin air. ââ¬Å"I hope he doesn't get an outfit from wherever it is he normally does his shopping,â⬠I mused to Roman as we drove. ââ¬Å"We don't want a hobo Santa. Although, if Ian's there, he'd probably approve and say we were breaking out of the mainstream's iron grip.â⬠ââ¬Å"Goddamned hipsters,â⬠said Roman. He leaned his head against the car's window. ââ¬Å"You're rolling the dice a little with Carter, but something tells me he won't mess this up, not for a bunch of girls with a sick mother. He's an angel, after all. He's got to earn his keep somehow.â⬠ââ¬Å"And thank goodness he doesn't have any hang-ups about Santa being at more than one place at the same time,â⬠I joked. ââ¬Å"No space?Ctime contradictions there.â⬠Roman jerked up so fast, I nearly slammed on the brakes, thinking I was about to hit something. Half a second later, I realized whatever had startled him was in his own head. ââ¬Å"Oh God,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"What?â⬠I asked, acting like him earlier. ââ¬Å"What did you just think of?â⬠ââ¬Å"I think . . . I think I've figured this out.â⬠There was awe in his voice. ââ¬Å"What? This mystery we've been beating our heads against? We already figured it out.â⬠Roman shook his head, wide-eyed. ââ¬Å"No . . . oh, Jesus. Georgina, if I'm right . . . how do I even prove if I am?â⬠He leaned back in dismay. ââ¬Å"How do I get proof?â⬠ââ¬Å"Tell me what you're thinking,â⬠I demanded. ââ¬Å"No. Not yet. Just drop me off, and we'll talk when you're done. I have to figure this out.â⬠There wasn't much that was more infuriating than that. I hated having the lure of a secret being dangled before me. I hated the ââ¬Å"I'll tell you laterâ⬠stance. But no matter how much I badgered him, he refused to say any more. With Carter on his way to Terry's, I couldn't linger long over Roman. I had to get to Lake Forest Park first. With much grumbling, I left Roman to his machinations, after first warning him that he'd better be ready to spill when I got home later. When I arrived at the Mortensens' soon thereafter, I was relieved to see that Seth was around and that all the girls were still awake. Recalling Carter's joke, I'd worried on my drive over that it might be past the littler ones' bedtime. Most of them were in their pajamas, but it was clear from their excited reaction to me that sleep was the farthest thing from their mind. Returning their hugs, I couldn't help but imagine their response when the real act showed up. Only Brandy stayed on the couch when the others hugged me. She still smiled and nodded in greeting, but there was a haunted, hollow look that hadn't been there yesterday during our outing. My heart ached for her. After letting her have her night out, they must have told her the truth today about her mom. I sat down on the other end of the couch. ââ¬Å"Did you have fun last night?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"It was okay.â⬠ââ¬Å"Do you want to see the pictures?â⬠asked Kendall excitedly. She nudged Brandy. ââ¬Å"Show her!â⬠Smiling at her sister's enthusiasm, Brandy produced her cell phone and gave it to me to scroll through. It was filled with the kinds of pictures girls her age like to take, group shots of her and her friends crowded in, some with silly faces. I was pleased to see that it looked like any other school dance. I hadn't been sure what to expect from a church. The shots of her in particular were stunning. Margaret had done a good job with the French twist. One picture showed Brandy grinning next to a cute boy with sandy blond hair. He looked like a smart surfer. I glanced over at her and raised a questioning eyebrow. She nodded. ââ¬Å"Nice,â⬠I said. A knock at the door brought everyone's excited chatter to a halt. Terry looked up in surprise from where he'd been leafing through a picture book with McKenna. ââ¬Å"Who on earth is that?â⬠He glanced around the room, as though doing a head count to make sure anyone who might possibly stop by was already here. I suppose with that many daughters, there was always the risk of losing track of one. Ian, Margaret, Seth, and I were also accounted for. There weren't too many others who would drop in unannounced. ââ¬Å"I don't know,â⬠I said cheerfully. ââ¬Å"Seth, why don't you answer the door and see?â⬠Seth immediately picked up on the tone in my voice. He shot me a questioning look but walked over to the door anyway. He turned the knob and leaped back in astonishment when Carter burst in through the door. Well, I was taking it on faith that it was Carter, based on our earlier conversation. Because really, the man who entered the living room looked nothing like the disreputable angel I knew. In fact, he didn't look like any of the Santas I knew. He looked better. There was magic in the way he moved his round frame. His red suit seemed to shimmer, and his rosy cheeks looked like he'd just come in from the North Pole, not a dreary Seattle winter. He had out-Santa'ed Santa. ââ¬Å"Ho ho ho!â⬠he bellowed, in a voice that filled the entire house. ââ¬Å"Merry Christmas!â⬠Dead silence and wide eyes met him for a few moments. Then Kendall and the twins began squealing in delight as they ran over to him. ââ¬Å"Santa! Santa!â⬠ââ¬Å"What are you doing here?â⬠demanded Kendall. ââ¬Å"You aren't contractually obligated to come here until Christmas Eve.â⬠ââ¬Å"True,â⬠he said in a booming voice that I still couldn't believe was Carter's. ââ¬Å"But I have to find out what you want for Christmas, don't I?â⬠This was met with more oohs and ahhs, and the twins urged him to sit down on the couch. Brandy scrambled out of the way, and Kendall immediately took her turn first, claiming Santa's lap. Margaret and Terry looked like they were going to burst into tears. Ian looked dumbfounded. Seth caught my arm and pulled me to the side. ââ¬Å"Is that one of the guys you work with?â⬠he whispered. I grinned. ââ¬Å"In a manner of speaking. It's Carter.â⬠Seth did a double take, wearing the amazement I'd felt earlier. ââ¬Å"Really? But how . . . I mean . . . even his body . . .â⬠ââ¬Å"Mysterious ways,â⬠I replied. Kendall was rattling off a list of board games and economics books. Nearby, the twins stood quivering with excitement, eager for their turn but too well bred to show bad manners in front of Santa. After a few subscriptions to prominent business magazines and newspapers, Terry gently cut Kendall off and suggested she let her sisters take a turn. Kendall agreed eagerly, but not before throwing her arms around Carter and thanking him. ââ¬Å"Okay,â⬠said Seth, drawing me near. ââ¬Å"This was kind of amazing. Not that I should be surprised by anything you do anymore.â⬠He kissed my forehead. ââ¬Å"We definitely have to make the most out of your last month. If we're going to be apart for a long time, then we have to find a way to work around my schedule here.â⬠I started to protest and tell him not to change his plans with the family because of me but stayed silent instead. Some desperate part of me wondered, what did any of it matter? If Hell wanted us apart, then we couldn't stand against that. ââ¬Å"A long timeâ⬠would become ââ¬Å"never.â⬠Maybe I really should be trying harder to maximize these last precious days. And yet if I did . . . would that make Hell work harder against us? Glancing up, I saw Morgan had now replaced McKenna on Carter's lap. They were having a discussion on the virtues of two different kinds of pony action figures. Morgan wasn't sure what kind she wanted. ââ¬Å"Princess Ponies come in more colors,â⬠she told him seriously. ââ¬Å"True,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"But some of the Power Prism Ponies are unicorns. And you can do more stuff with their hair.â⬠Across the room, I saw Kayla curled up in a chair, watching Carter raptly but making no moves to talk to him. Slipping away from Seth, I walked over and knelt beside her. ââ¬Å"Are you going to tell Santa what you want?â⬠I asked in a very soft voice. It took Kayla several moments to tear her gaze from him. ââ¬Å"He's not Santa,â⬠she said. I was grateful she spoke as quietly as me. No one else heard. ââ¬Å"Of course he is,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Who else would he be?â⬠ââ¬Å"He's not Santa.â⬠She smiled and studied him again. ââ¬Å"He's beautiful. He's more beautiful than anything.â⬠No human could see an angel in his or her true form, unless the angel revealed it. Even then, a human would be destroyed by it. No, Kayla wasn't seeing Carter's true form, not exactly, but she was seeing something. Some piece of his true nature. I felt a moment of envy, wondering what it was she saw, what her senses allowed her that mine didn't. Whatever it was, I'd never know, but the enchanted look on her face made it clear it was wonderful. ââ¬Å"Beautiful,â⬠she repeated. She looked back at me. ââ¬Å"Can he stop the Darkness?â⬠ââ¬Å"He'll try,â⬠I said. Not the entire truth, but it would have to suffice. ââ¬Å"Can you pretend he's Santa? Tell him what you want for Christmas?â⬠She nodded solemnly, just as Morgan finished and Carter beckoned toward us. I walked Kayla over. I helped her onto his lap, and he glanced up at me with twinkling gray eyes. Those, if nothing else, were definitely Carter's. I stepped back and let them talk. Kayla continued staring adoringly at him, but no one except me knew what truly captivated her. She looked like any other child starstruck by Santa as she related her list, making no mention of his beauty or supernatural creatures prowling through her home at night. Leaving them to it, I quietly went upstairs and peered in Andrea's room. She was awake, reading a book. Dark circles hung under her eyes, and her face looked gaunter than last time. She nonetheless gave me a cheery smile. ââ¬Å"Georgina,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"I should've known you were the source of all that commotion.â⬠I laughed. ââ¬Å"Not all of that. A friend of mine is here, playing Santa for the girls. He's taking their Christmas orders right now.â⬠Her expression softened, resembling the near tears I'd seen on the others' faces. ââ¬Å"That's very sweet of him. And of you.â⬠ââ¬Å"Would you like to meet him before he leaves?â⬠I asked. Andrea grimaced and absentmindedly patted her hair. ââ¬Å"Yes, in theory . . . but Lord. I look terrible.â⬠ââ¬Å"Believe me,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"He doesn't care.â⬠When I went back downstairs, Kayla had finished, and Carter was trying to get a list out of Brandy who told him point-blank there was no way she was getting on his lap. ââ¬Å"I think you have plenty to work on with their orders,â⬠she told him good-naturedly. ââ¬Å"And there's nothing you want?â⬠he asked in his best echoing Santa voice. ââ¬Å"Nothing you can give, I'm afraid,â⬠she said. Her smile faltered. ââ¬Å"But thanks.â⬠Carter peered at her with that piercing look he sometimes used on me, the one that seemed to look right inside me. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠he agreed. ââ¬Å"You're right. But I can give you all my prayers. And my hopes for the best.â⬠Brandy stared at him, caught up in that gaze, and simply nodded. I don't think she knew what a powerful thing it was, for an angel to offer all of his prayers, but she most certainly sensed the sincerity and intention in his words. ââ¬Å"Thanks,â⬠she repeated. I caught hold of Carter's arm. ââ¬Å"Their mom wants to meet you, Santa.â⬠He stood up and followed me to the stairs. We passed Ian along the way, who watched us condescendingly. ââ¬Å"Aren't you going to ask what I want?â⬠Carter paused and looked him over from head to toe. ââ¬Å"Sorry. My workshop doesn't do shabby chic.â⬠Carter continued following me, despite Ian's protest that his style was ââ¬Å"vintageâ⬠and that ââ¬Å"shabby chic is for wannabes.â⬠If Andrea felt insecure at the thought of meeting a stranger, she did a good job of hiding it. Indeed, when Carter walked into her bedroom, a little awe passed over her face, reminding me of Kayla. Andrea couldn't see what her daughter had, but I think she sensed some of Carter's grace. He came to a halt at the foot of her bed and took of his red hat in a genteel style, revealing rows of white curls. ââ¬Å"This is my friend Carter,â⬠I said, after first making sure no one small had followed us. ââ¬Å"Mrs. Mortensen,â⬠he said, dropping the showmanship. ââ¬Å"It's very nice to meet you.â⬠She smiled, and the joy in it made her beautiful, despite her weary state. ââ¬Å"Nice to meet you too. Thank you for coming over and seeing the girls.â⬠Their exchange was brief. He said something nice or funny about each girl, making Andrea's smile grow and grow. She in turn couldn't stop thanking him. When the pleasantries were finally done, I bid her farewell and stepped outside the room with Carter. I closed the door and was about to head downstairs when he caught my hand. ââ¬Å"Did you see what you needed to?â⬠I asked quietly. He nodded, face grave, looking more like Carter than ever. ââ¬Å"You were right. Her condition was made worse ââ¬â by a demon.â⬠ââ¬Å"Can you tell which demon?â⬠I asked. I knew Jerome didn't have my best interests at heart, but it was a hard thing to think of him purposely harming those I cared about. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠said Carter. ââ¬Å"But it probably wasn't Jerome. It's the kind of dirty work a minor demon would do. I can also tell you that her illness, originally, was natural. Nothing gave this to her.â⬠ââ¬Å"They just made her relapse when she was starting to get better.â⬠To get to me. To keep Seth busy. Carter nodded. ââ¬Å"Okay. Thank you for coming here tonight. I appreciate it.â⬠I started to turn, and he again stopped me. ââ¬Å"Georgina . . .â⬠There was an odd, troubled note in his voice, one I didn't usually associate with confident, laconic Carter. ââ¬Å"Georgina, I've told you over and over that there are rules about what I can and can't do, how much I can be involved. As a general rule, I'm really not supposed to do too much active interference in mortal lives.â⬠ââ¬Å"I understand,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"But what happened to her . . .â⬠He frowned slightly. ââ¬Å"That was another breaking of the rules, something that shouldn't have happened. And in this situation, two wrongs can make a right.â⬠I stared up at him in amazement. ââ¬Å"What are you saying?â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm saying that I can heal her. I can't completely eradicate the cancer, but I can take it back to the level it was at before she was harmed this week. I can undo what they did to her and clean the slate.â⬠My jaw wanted to drop. ââ¬Å"That . . . that would be amazing !â⬠Carter still looked sad, and I couldn't figure out why. Did he feel like he was violating a rule, even if he was righting a wrong? ââ¬Å"What's the matter?â⬠He sighed. ââ¬Å"What you and Roman said earlier . . . about Hell wanting to keep you and Seth apart? About how her condition keeps him here? Well . . . it's possible, this is exactly what they want. She got better, then they made her worse again. Then, if she gets better on her own ââ¬â or because of me ââ¬â then everyone gets hopeful again, until they come back and make her worse. I'm not saying they will come back. But that they could. A limbo state like this ensures Seth stays around. If I heal her now ââ¬â and I will if you want ââ¬â I might be perpetuating that.â⬠There were two key things I pulled out of that. One was a very, very subtle acknowledgment that Roman and I were right. Oh, Carter wasn't saying for sure that Hell was after Seth and me, but he certainly wasn't denying it either. It was all part of that careful angel way of his. The other thing ââ¬â the most startling one ââ¬â was the implication that thwarting Hell meant keeping Andrea out of the limbo they wanted her in. Seth would always be tied to his family if she moved in and out of health. If she completely recovered, he would be free. And if she died . . . ââ¬Å"No,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"It doesn't matter. Heal her. I don't care if he stays here forever, so long as it keeps her alive.â⬠Carter nodded, and something shone in his eyes, something a little like pride . . . and sadness. ââ¬Å"I thought you'd say that.â⬠He knocked gently on Andrea's door before stepping back inside. ââ¬Å"Sorry to bother you,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"But I forgot to ask what you wanted for Christmas.â⬠Andrea laughed, eventually degenerating into coughing. Reaching for a glass of water beside her bed, she finally recovered herself. ââ¬Å"That's nice of you, but I'm too old.â⬠ââ¬Å"Never,â⬠said Carter. ââ¬Å"There must be something.â⬠Andrea was still smiling, but it grew a little wistful. ââ¬Å"There is something,â⬠she said. I wondered if she'd ask to be cured, which was obviously what Brandy had wanted as well. ââ¬Å"I want . . . I want my girls to be happy. No matter what happens to me, I want them looked after and cared for.â⬠Carter-as-Santa studied her with that soul-searching gaze, and it was as though something passed between them, something I wasn't part of. At long last, he said, ââ¬Å"I swear, it will be so.â⬠He walked over to her bedside and extended his hand to her. A chill ran down my spine as he did. I swear. Those weren't words an angel could say lightly. I'd thought what he'd said earlier to Brandy was powerful, but it was nothing compared to this. Tentatively, Andrea took Carter's hand. I saw nothing blatant, no blinding flash of light or anything like that. I didn't even feel anything with my immortal senses. But Andrea's face transformed, growing radiant and dreamy, as though she were seeing and hearing the most beautiful things in the world. When Carter released her hand, she smiled at him and closed her eyes, drifting into sleep. ââ¬Å"You healed her?â⬠I asked, deciding not to mention the promise. ââ¬Å"Yes,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"She won't remember much of my visit.â⬠ââ¬Å"Probably just as ââ¬â ââ¬Å" My cell phone rang, and I hurried out of the room to answer it before Andrea woke up. It was Roman. ââ¬Å"Hey,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Hey, are you still with the Mortensens?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah, why?â⬠ââ¬Å"Because I think I've figured out how to prove my theory,â⬠he said, voice stern and strained. ââ¬Å"I still don't even know what your theory is,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"You will soon enough. Ask Seth how he feels about hypnosis.ââ¬
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Brain Stimulation
The primary aim of this study was to determine the extent to which human MT+/ V5, an extrastriate visual area known to mediate motion processing, is involved in visuomotor coordination. To pursue this, the excitability of MT+/ V5, primary motor, and primary visual cortex was increased or decreased by the application of seven minutes of anodal and cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in healthy human subjects while they were performing a visuomotor tracking task involving hand movements.The percentage of correct tracking movements increased specifically during and immediately after cathodal stimulation, which decreases cortical excitability, only when V5 was stimulated. None of the other stimulation conditions affected visuomotor performance. The researchers propose that the improvement in performance caused by cathodal tDCS of V5 is due to a focusing effect on the complex motion perception conditions involved in this task.This hypothesis was proven by additional ex periments: When testing simple and complex motion perception in dot kinetograms, it was found that a diminution in excitability induced by cathodal stimulation improved the subjectââ¬â¢s perception of the direction of the coherent motion only if this was presented among random dots (complex motion perception), and worsened it if only one motion direction was presented (simple movement perception). The data suggest that area V5 is critically involved in complex motion perception and identification processes important for visuomotor coordination.The results also raise the possibility of the usefulness of tDCS in rehabilitation strategies for neurological patients with visuomotor disorders. Article 2 Environmental stimulation, parental nurturance and cognitive development in humans Martha J. Farah, Laura Betancourt, David M. Shera, Jessica H. Savage, Joan M. Giannetta, Nancy L. Brodsky, Elsa K. Malmud and Hallam Hurt 1. Department of Psychology and Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2. Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department of Pediatrics,Childrenââ¬â¢s Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania; Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, USA 3. Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania and Childrenââ¬â¢s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA Developmental Science 11:5 (2008), pp 793-801 The effects of environmental stimulation and parental nurturance on brain development have been studied extensively in animals. Much less is known about the relations between childhood experience and cognitive development in humans.Using a longitudinally collected data set with ecologically valid in-home measures of childhood experience and later in-laboratory behavioral measures of cognitive ability, the researchers were able to test hypotheses concerning the effects of environmental stimulation and parental nurturance. A double dissociation was found: On one hand, there was a selective relation between parental nurturance and memory development, consistent with the animal literature on maternal buffering of stress hormone effects on hippocampus development.On the other hand, there was a selective relation between environmental stimulation and language development. The results primarily suggest that the same general dimensions of early life experience identified as important in animal studies of brain development are also important for humans. In particular, the relation between the composites measuring parental nurturance and later memory ability, which have no common-sense connection, is consistent with studies of experience and brain development in animals. The present findings thus provide an important bridge between the study of neurocognitive development in animals and humans.Secondarily, variation in the childhood experience of healthy humans bears a systematic relationship to cognitive development, and this relationship is more selective and specific than simply better environments predicting better development. Memory development is predicted by parental nurturance but not environmental stimulation, whereas language development is predicted by environmental stimulation, but not parental nurturance. Finally, these effects represent a possible mechanism by which socioeconomic status is associated with intellectual attainment. Article 3 MEG Study of Short-Term Plasticity Following MultipleDigit Frequency Discrimination Training in Humans Lichan Liu and Andreas A. Ioannides Laboratory for Human Brain Dynamics, RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI), 2-1 Hirosawa, Wakoshi, Saitama, Japan. Brain Topography, Volume 16, Number 4, Summer 2004 The researchers trained four right-handed male subjects to detect small changes in the frequency of 21 Hz electrical stimulation applied to digits 2+3+4 of the right hand for four hours. Before and after the training, magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals were recorded whe n the stimulation was applied to digit 2-5 separately using a whole-head MEG system.Tomographic analysis was applied to the MEG data to track the evolution of activity over the entire brain every 1. 6 ms and evaluated the change for each digit before and after the training. In summary: (1) subjects improved in discrimination performance with training; (2) activations were identified in the left primary somatosensory (L-SI) and medial parietal precuneus (PCu) areas, but no systematic changes were observed in location and strength of activation of these two areas; (3) after training in L-SI, the 21Hzspectral power increasedfor digits 3 and 4 over the stimulation period, while the 10 Hz spectral power increased for digit 3 around stimulus onset and offset; (4) only digit 3 showed significant change of correlation between L-SI and PCu areas around the stimulus onset and offset, coincident with the increased 10 Hz spectral power. The results suggest that short-term plasticity is associat ed with changes in timing and interaction between cortical areas. DiscussionThe main finding of the first study is that cathodal tDCS applied to the left V5 improved performance in a visuomotor coordination task that encompassed both dynamic, high-resolution perception and selection of motion predetermined by a moving target. Stimulation of the primary visual cortex and the left motor cortex did not result in significant changes in performance, nor were the reaction times in the random dot kinetogram task significantly affected. These results suggest that tDCS indeed modified visual motion perception and motor performance.Common sense says that childhood experience affects cognitive development. Yet common sense does not say which psychological or brain functions will be affected by experience, or which specific aspects of childhood experience will exert an effect. The second study attempts to address these issues empirically with a unique longitudinally collected data set including ecologically valid in-home measures of early childhood experience and later laboratory measures of cognitive function. The effects found were strikingly selective and, in addition to their statistical significance, were substantial in size.In the third study, functional rather than anatomical short-term plastic changes in the brain induced by the frequency discrimination task were identified. After training, no new activated areas or expansion of activated areas or systematic increases in activation strength in any one specific area were observed. Instead, increased spectral power around 21 Hz in L-SI for both trained digits 3 and 4 for all 4 subjects was observed. Furthermore, for digit 3, increased spectrum power at 10 Hz in L-SI for all 4 subjects between map I and II around thestimulus onset and offset was observed. Conclusion After analyzing the above three methods of brain stimulation, one can come to the conclusion that the first study was found to have the maximum results i n term of invoking activity of the stimulated areas. The study stands out among the other two not just for its methodology, but also for its high reliability and accuracy. Hence, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can be considered to be the best method of brain stimulation.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Difference Between an Embassy and a Consulate
The Difference Between an Embassy and a Consulate Due to the high level of interaction between countries in our interconnected world of today, diplomatic offices, such as embassies and consulates, are needed in each country to aid in and allow such interactions to occur. Ambassadors are their countrys government representatives abroad in matters between the two countries. These offices also provide services for potential emigrants and international travelers. Although the terms embassy and consulate are often used interchangeably, the two are different. Definition of an Embassy An embassy is larger and more important than a consulate and is described as a permanent diplomatic mission, which is generally located in a countrys capital city. For example, the United States Embassy in Canada is located in Ottawa, Ontario. Capital cities such as Ottawa, Washington, D.C., and London are home to nearly 200 embassies each. An embassy is responsible for representing the home country, for handling major diplomatic issues (such as negotiations), and for preserving the rights of its citizens abroad. The ambassador is the highest official in the embassy and acts as the chief diplomat and spokesperson for the home government. Ambassadors are typically appointed by the highest level of the home government. In the United States, ambassadors are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Usually, if a country recognizes another as being sovereign, an embassy is established to maintain foreign relations and provide assistance to traveling citizens. Embassy vs Consulate By contrast, a consulate is a smaller version of an embassy and is generally located in the larger tourist cities of a country, but not the capital. In Germany, for instance, the U.S. consulates are in cities such as Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich, but not in the capital city of Berlin. The embassy is located in Berlin. Consulates (and their chief diplomat, the consul) handle minor diplomatic issues such as issuing visas, aiding in trade relationships, and taking care of migrants, tourists, and expatriates. In addition, the United States has Virtual Presence Posts (VPPs) to assist people around the world in learning about the United States and the areas in which the VPP is focused. These were created so that the United States could have a presence in important areas without physically being there. The areas with the VPPs do not have permanent offices and staff and are run from other embassies. Some examples of VPPs include the VPP Santa Cruz in Bolivia, the VPP Nunavut in Canada, and the VPP Chelyabinsk in Russia. There are about 50 VPPs worldwide. Special Cases Though it might sound simple that consulates are in larger tourist cities and embassies are in capital cities, this is not the case with every instance in the world. Jerusalem One such unique case is Jerusalem. Though it is the capital and largest city in Israel, no country had its embassy there until President Donald Trump decided to move the U.S. Embassy there in 2018. Instead, most of Israels embassies are in Tel Aviv because most of the international community does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital. Tel Aviv is identified as the capital because it was the temporary capital of Israel during the Arab blockade of Jerusalem in 1948. Jerusalem remains home to many consulates. Taiwan Few countries have an official embassy in Taiwan to establish representation due to the uncertainty of Taiwans political status with regard to mainland China, the Peoples Republic of China. As such, the United States, the United Kingdom, and many other countries do not recognize Taiwan as independent because it is claimed by the PRC. Instead, the United States and the United Kingdom have unofficial representative offices in Taipei that can handle matters such as issuing visas and passports, providing assistance to foreign citizens, trade, and maintaining cultural and economic relationships. The American Institute in Taiwan is the private organization representing the United States in Taiwan, and the British Trade and Cultural Office fulfills the same mission for the United Kingdom there. Kosovo Not every foreign country recognizes Kosovo as independent (as of late 2017, 114 do), and just 22 have established embassies in its capital of Pristina. There are several other consulates and other diplomatic posts in the country as well. It has 26 embassies abroad and 14 consulates. Former British Empire The member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations (mostly former British territories) do not exchange ambassadors but instead, use the office of high commissioner between member countries. Mexican Consulates Mexico is distinct in that its consulates are not all confined to large tourist cities, as is the case with the consulates of many other countries. For example, although there are consulates in the small border towns of Douglas and Nogales, Arizona, and Calexico, California, there are also many consulates in cities farther from the border, such as Omaha, Nebraska. In the United States and Canada, there are currently 57 Mexican consulates. The Mexican Embassies are located in Washington, D.C., and Ottawa. Countries Without U.S. Diplomatic Relations Though the United States has strong diplomatic ties to many foreign nations, there are four with which it does not currently work. These are Bhutan, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. For Bhutan, the two countries never established formal relations, and Syrian relations were suspended in 2012 after the war started there. However, the U.S. is able to maintain varying levels of informal contact with each of these nations by using its own embassies in nearby countries or through representation by other foreign governments. However foreign representation or diplomatic relationships occur, they are important in world politics for traveling citizens, as well as for the economic and cultural matters that result when two nations have such interactions.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Meanings of the Spanish Word Papel
Meanings of the Spanish Word Papel The Spanish word papel is a cognate of the English word paper and often has the same meaning. Papel also has an important and frequently used meaning not associated with the English word, that of a role, such as in a play or job. Papel With Meanings Related to Paper When referring to paper, papel can refer to paper in general or to a single sheet or piece, although hoja de papel can also refer to a sheet: Una bola de papel puede ser un buen juguete para tu gato. (A wad of paper can be a good toy for your cat.)Las dimensiones de un papel A4 son 297 mm x 210 mm. (The dimensions of an A4 sheet of paper are 297 millimeters by 210 millimeters.)Aunque de inicio no lo creas, una hoja de papel simple puede soportar un peso significativo. (Although at first you may not believe it, a single sheet of paper can support a significant weight.)El papel de arroz se usa en la cocina asitica. (Rice paper is used in Asian cooking.)El papel se ha convertido en uno de los productos emblemà ©ticos de nuestra cultura. (Paper has become one of the products characteristic of our culture.)Ayer yo necesitaba un papel para anotar algo. (Yesterday I needed a sheet of paper in order to write something down.) Papel in singular or plural can refer to documents of various kinds: No necesito un papel para confirmar que estamos juntos. (I dont need a document to prove that were together.)Me dijeron que necesito firmar algà ºn papel de prà ©stamo. (They told me I need to sign some loan document.)Si no tiene papeles de estadà a legal y es arrestado, tiene derecho a guardar silencio y pedir un abogado. (If you dont have residence documents and are arrested, you have the right to remain silent and ask for a lawyer.) Papel Referring to Roles Papel frequently refers to an acting role: La modelo venezolana es conocida por su papel de Rosita. (The Venezuelan model is known for her role as Rosita.)Hollywood sà ³lo tiene un papel para los actores rabes. (Hollywood has only one role for Arab actors.)Alejandro tenà a un papel pequeà ±o en una escena en la pelà cula. (Alejandro had a small role in one scene in the film.) More broadly, papel can refer to almost any kind of role, for both people and things: La universidad tiene un papel importante porque forma valores. (The university has an important role because it forms values.)La iglesia tuvo un papel crucial en la Europa medieval. The church had a crucial role in medieval Europe.Los cientà ficos desempeà ±arà an un papel central en este proceso de reforma ambiental. Scientists played a central role in this process of environmental reform.La Cmara siempre entendià ³ que el presidente tiene un rol importante en estos asuntos. (The House always understood that the president has an important role in these matters.) Papel in Phrases Among the phrases and idioms that use the word papel are these: asumir el papel - to assume the rolehacer el papel, interpretar el papel - to play the rolepapel blanco, papel en blanco - blank sheet (can be used figuratively)papel cuchà © - glossy paperpapel de aluminio, papel de estaà ±o, papel de plata - aluminum foil (the latter two literally refer to tin and silver foil but are nevertheless sometimes used to refer to aluminum foil)papel de embalar - wrapping paper (such as for a gift)papel higià ©nico - toilet paper, bath tissuepapel moneda - paper moneypapel perià ³dico - newsprintpapel picadoà - a type of decorative perforated paper popular in Mexico as a decorationpapel pintado - wallpaperperder los papeles - to lose self-controlsobre el papel - in theory, on papertomar un papel - to take a roletrozo de papel - piece of paper Etymology of Papel Like the English word paper, papel comes from the Latin papyrus, which came from the Greek papyros, referring to a plant from which paper was once made. The meaning of papel as a role comes from the roll of paper that actors roles once were written on. (Despite the different spelling, the English role also comes from that usage.) The Spanish rol is often used synonymously for that meaning. Key Takeaways Papel is often synonymous with the English paper and can be used for different kinds of paper and documents.Papel also can refer to various kinds roles played by people or objects.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Project managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Project managment - Essay Example Organization ââ¬Å"Yâ⬠is a small company with 15 employees working in the financial sector and providing financial services to organizations, businesses, and individual customers. The company was established in 1999 and since then has been gradually expanding its presence in the financial services market. The organization constantly increases the range of available financial services and provides its financial advisors with additional workplace opportunities. The company seeks to increase job satisfaction among its employees and considers job satisfaction as the critical component of its business success. The topic of job satisfaction is not new. In the current system of organization studies, job satisfaction occupies one of the central positions. Job satisfaction is defined as ââ¬Å"feelings or affective responses to facets of the situationâ⬠(Fichter & Cipolla, 2010). Here, facets of the situation imply the workplace situation and environment in which employees are bound to perform, while feelings and affective responses may vary from the quality of workplace performance to the emotional and cognitive balance that result of the workplace pressures and overloads. The ââ¬Å"facetsâ⬠of job imply intrinsic and extrinsic features of particular jobs and the extent to which they influence the level of job satisfaction across various professions. Since the end of 2006, the organization adopted a new strategy, aimed to expand its market presence, to change its approaches to brand management, and to attract new customers. The strategy has become the determining feature of the organizationââ¬â¢s success, and more and more customers came to develop cooperative relations with the professional financial advisors working for the company. Since that time, however, the company management noticed that financial advisors displayed lower motivation to work and did not always cope with their basic workplace obligations. Work absenteeism rose dramatically,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Retail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Retail - Essay Example Retailing is a critical part of modern society because of convenience. Retailing fosters the transportation and presentation of consumer goods to the doorstep of buyerââ¬â¢s doorstep (Oââ¬â¢Brien and Harris, 2012). The community gains from retailing as retail enterprises conduct marketing roles that make it likely for consumers to make use of a wide range of commodities and services. A second critical role played by retailing in contemporary society is availability. Commodities and services do not have value for consumers until they acquire and use them. Retail enterprises get commodities and services from various locations, categorize them at one point in line with consumer needs, and foster consumer availability. Retailing is also a critical part of modern society because of bulk convenience. Retail shops itemize bulk goods and present them in amounts and sizes as wanted by customers (Oââ¬â¢Brien and Harris, 2012). Retail stores assist consumers by offering suitable goods, services, and guidance in the packaging and amounts they want. Retailing is assures a supply chain, which is critical to contemporary society. A supply chain ensures the flow and availability of commodities and services to consumers after leaving manufacturers or distribution points (Madaan, n.d.). The supply chain is an incorporated framework in which retail enterprises play a vital role. The relationship between retail enterprises and manufacturers or distributors is a categorization process. This process entails gathering a variety of commodities and services from a broad array of suppliers, and presenting them for sale (Madaan, n.d.). Another chain assured by retailing is the value chain that is critical for modern society. When buyers buy products, retail enterprises ought to order additional products to refill their stock (Oââ¬â¢Brien and Harris, 2012). Afterwards, manufacturers buy additional resources to use to make additional products. This process is the root of consumer spending, which drives modern society. Retailing also boosts employment, which is a critical aspect of modern society. A host of enterprise communities and individuals make up the manufacturing, distribution, and retailing process of economy. Retailing makes up the biggest revenue maker and job producer just after agriculture. Retailing offers jobs to the least financially fortunate and unprofessional together with the learned and skilled.
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